The following is guidance based on the answers you have given. We advise joining our Introduction to Ayurveda course, getting professional advice from a fully-qualified Ayurvedic practitioner such as Kate or Jo or getting a personalised report to get a fuller picture.
Your constitution is predominantly that of pitta.
Pitta, woven from elements of fire and water, governs digestion and metabolism.
Pitta predominant people tend to:
- be HOT; be warm regardless of season, sweat easily and be fatigued by heat. There will be a preference for cool environments, cool food and drink and there will be quite a lot of thirst.
- have LIGHTNESS, LIQUIDITY and a sense of FLOW due to the combination of water and fire, thus they have moderate build and energy; by putting their mind to it, they’ll be able to gain or lose weight as they choose. Energy is naturally moderate, movements are of moderate speed and sleep is moderately sound (less than 8 hours leaves them rested).
- have FIRE in their bellies; strong appetites and strong digestion of food, information and experience. If they go long without food, they’ll suffer and get irritable. Their strong digestive fire makes for easy, regular, looser bowel movements.
- have more RED or YELLOWISH tones; skin, hair, lips and teeth. Their hair will more likely be fine and prone to early greying or balding. The warmer, reddish skin will be prone to irritation and burns easily.
- have a certain MENTAL INTENSITY; focused, driven, goal-oriented and naturally alert, intelligent and persevering. The eyes will have a penetrating gaze and their speech is equally penetrating and clear. They will love to convince, like structure and detail and are often organised. Decision making comes easily. Compete with and criticise them at your peril!
- have a degree of OILINESS (versus the dry, roughness of vata for example); lips are red and soft, skin is relatively soft and joints are flexible.
- more likely to have an ODOUR (one of their least flattering characteristics!).
Those with more pitta dosha in them will tend towards inflammation, hypertension and hypersensitivity if they are out of balance. Mentally they could end up being more angry, aggressive or argumentative.