Know Your Dosha


Know Your Dosha is a short self-paced course designed to help you understand your dosha constitution (mind-body type) along with some simple yet effective tools to help you be at your most healthy.  With 75 minutes of engaging video content, reflective tasks and a quiz to check your understanding, Know Your Dosha is a great way to start your Ayurvedic learning.  The course is self-paced and you have access to the materials for 6 months from purchase.

The course is created by and features Jo and Kate, both fully qualified Ayurvedic practitioners (BSc Ayurveda) and full members of the Ayurvedic Professionals Association. All content is direct from the classical Ayurvedic texts combined with modern interpretation, supported by research.



Know Your Dosha is a short Ayurveda course designed to help you understand your dosha constitution (mind-body type) along with some simple yet effective tools to help you be at your most healthy.  With 75 minutes of engaging video content, reflective tasks and a quiz to check your understanding, Know Your Dosha is a great way to start your Ayurvedic learning.  The course is self-paced and you have access to the materials for 6 months from purchase.

The course is created by and features Jo and Kate, both fully qualified Ayurvedic practitioners (BSc Ayurveda) and full members of the Ayurvedic Professionals Association. All content is direct from the classical Ayurvedic texts combined with modern interpretation, supported by research.

We all want to be healthy and to live our lives to their full potential but with so much advice on healthy living, it can be hard to know what’s best for us – especially when it comes to food for example.  Ayurveda offers us a way to bring ourselves back into balance through understanding our mind-body type and adopting tailored herbs, diet and lifestyle advice.

Although we are all beautifully unique, Ayurveda divides us into three main ‘mind-body types’, known as the dosha. This determines what you look like, your mental characteristics and your personality. Knowing your ‘dosha blueprint’ can also give you profound insights into how to get the most out of your life. Babies aren’t born with a user’s manual, but knowing which Ayurvedic dosha, or mind-body type you are, and how to keep this in balance is a good place to start. Once you start to understand your balance of the dosha, you’ll also start to spot their characteristics in your friends, family and colleagues which can really help you understand them better.

This short Ayurveda course will encourage you to:     
  • Better connect with and understand yourself – Ayurveda is focused on accepting ourselves as we are, playing to our strengths and nurturing our weaknesses
  • Look at the world around you in terms of the elements and the dosha and appreciate the fundamental law of ‘like increases like’
  • Learn more about vata, pitta, kapha constitutions as well as dual and tridoshic constitutions
  • Look at your friends, family and work colleagues through the dosha lens to enable better relationships and understanding
  • Discover what food is best for your dosha constitution
  • Tailor your lifestyle to your mind-body type
  • Live the most fulfilled life you can! Ayurveda is not about living the perfect life, but living the best life for you.
The lessons of the course are:
  1. Ayurveda
  2. The elements
  3. The dosha and vata
  4. Pitta
  5. Kapha
  6. Dual and tridoshic constitutions
  7. Where to learn more
  8. Quiz to check your knowledge